Why am I murmuring?

I’ve always loved to write.

As a child it was long, rhyming verse painstakingly created on the type writer I begged my parents to give me for my birthday.  This was between teaching myself shorthand and setting up imaginary business enterprises (I think I was an unusual 9 year old).

Then during my teenage years I wrote soulful self absorbed letters, poetry and ultimately during my ‘near death experience’ – more on this another day – an embarrassingly affected version of events in a journal.

After this I had aspirations, which were never pursued or realised, to become a travel writer.  When I was abroad recently and met a well-known person with this highly desirable career, she was disappointingly grumpy and terse and I wondered how she could be so miserable when she’d landed my dream job!  And when she had all her expenses paid.

Post children, post the creativity of youth, post feeling as though I have anything of any real importance to add to the bigger conversation, I went off the idea for a bit, writing my thoughts only when grief-stricken or responding to e-mails.  But I love some of the conversations that are being thrown up at the moment, about politics and culture, and the minutiae of day to day life as a mother and a thinker.  So now I’m writing properly, unashamedly, inspired by the likes of Scott Dinsmere @ liveyourlegend.net and Amy Ransom @ www.amyransom.com

I’ll write about anything that I find interesting on the assumption that someone else might have something to say about it too!  #onelifeliveit

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